+33 (0)6 50 78 60 02

eco-friendly tours & transfers on the French Riviera
Our vehicles are 100% electric

Happygreentours was born out of a genuine desire to support the ecological transition in the passenger transport sector in the South of France. Our happy movement is now one of the first eco-mobility tours & transfer agency on the french Riviera.
In 2024, our vehicles are 100% electric and our gol is to make the turist transport as clean as possible in a context where the planet needs it more than ever.
Our vision
We drive 100% electric Tesla vehicles and propose a new vision of the passanger transport sector with no CO2 emissions, no fine particles, no noise, no stress!
Excellence & Responsable
Happygreentoours not only is an eco-responsible with all its tours & transfers but also in the quality of our services which is at the heart of our philosophy: Our guides & drivers are professionals, speak different languages including English, Spanish & French and always with the good smile.
Our goal
2024 is a year of major changes in the energy transition. Happygreentours is making its contribution and offers its customers and future customers a non-polluting, silent and safe way to be transported.
Tommorrow's challenges
The next 15 years are decisive for the ecological future of our planet. Transportation is the major cause of CO2 and fine particulate emissions in the air. Happygreentours' roll is to participate in curbing this trend and to contribute with our future generation the posibility to breath a better and less polluted air.
CO2 Emissions
At your disposal
Unpleasant Noise
Clients satisfied
Fine Particules